Church Executive

Church Executive 2018

Reverend Alan Dives

Minister –


Growing and deepening our relationship with God, ourselves, creation and others.

Rod Morgan

Justice and Service

Identifying matters of social, economic and environmental concern affecting the church and community and informing a prophetic and actionable response to these.

Joan Schnell

Evangelism and Church Growth

Fellowship and Bible Study groups, Prayer meetings, short courses and evangelical outreach.

Trevor Brown

Trust Properties

Development, oversight, management and administration of church property and buildings.

Norma Olivier

Congregational Care

Developing a caring Christian community – (Home and hospital visits, meals, love gifts, prayer chain, congregational social events etc).

Tracey Jones

Human Empowerment and Development

Encouraging teaching and guiding people to realise and utilise their God-given talents, abilities and resources to earn a sustainable living.

Jackie Pollitt

Education and Christian Ministry

Sunday and other worship events, Children’s and Teen church, musicians, events hosted and guest speakers.


Joan Darby


Management and administration of church finances and fundraising.